Carbon Management System

Guide to Carbon Management: Strategies, Software & Stories

Published on
11 Jan 2022
Guide to Carbon Management: Strategies, Software & Stories

Carbon, a regular presence in our lives, poses dangers that cannot be understated. Resulting from modern industrial and commercial activities, carbon management plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change. Carbon management can be understood as the systematic estimation and ongoing oversight of the overall carbon footprint from industry operations. This comprehensive approach covers emissions from direct assets like facilities and vehicles to indirect sources such as purchased electricity. 

Introduction to Carbon Management: Understanding Its Business Imperative

Carbon management is a key aspect in business strategy. It helps companies meet compliance, bolster brand recognition, align with environmental ethics and manage cost-effectiveness. Here are the reasons carbon management is important for your business:

Regulatory Compliance 

Governments worldwide are in the process or have implemented policies and regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon taxes, mandatory reporting requirements and emissions trading schemes. By complying with regulatory demands, it ensures your company’s competitive advantage, adhering to all requirements and preparing for any future changes. 

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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, or Sustainability reporting, is mandatory in many countries. An ESG report discloses a company's performance and impact on environmental, social, and governance factors. This informs stakeholders, including investors and customers, with clear insights into how the company is addressing its ESG-related risks and opportunities.

For Singapore, the comply-or-explain ESG reporting framework was established in 2016 by the Singapore Exchange Ltd. Following the guidelines provided, directors from major Singapore-listed companies must participate in sustainability workshops. By producing an ESG report, companies can showcase their ESG achievements, identify areas for improvement, and build trust with stakeholders. Companies with strong carbon management practices are more likely to attract investors and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Environmental Ethics

Consumers are increasingly demanding products and services with lower carbon footprints. A research conducted on behalf of the Carbon Trust Standard Company by Vanson Bourne revealed that 45% of consumers would refuse to purchase from businesses that don’t agree to measure their product carbon footprint. Businesses that prioritise carbon management and communicate their environmental performance to consumers can differentiate themselves from competitors and build customer loyalty. 

Cost Savings

The adoption of carbon reduction initiatives can elevate operational productivity and develop cost-effective practices by transitioning to renewable energy sources to enhance energy efficiency. Moreover, this can help businesses to comply with changing environmental rules, meet the demand for eco-friendly practices, and establish themselves as leaders in corporate responsibility. As carbon management becomes a global business imperative, it fuels the creation of advanced carbon management solutions, paving the way for a greener, more responsible corporate landscape.

Exploring Carbon Management Tools: Services, Software, and Platforms for Sustainability

What Are Carbon Management Tools?

Carbon management tools offer a range of solutions to assist organisations in measuring, analysing, and reducing their carbon emissions. 

These tools facilitate carbon management strategies such as carbon footprint assessment, emission reduction targets, carbon offsetting initiatives, renewable energy sources, and regular monitoring and reporting.

Carbon Management Services

Carbon management services provide a range of solutions and expertise designed to assist businesses in minimising their environmental impact and achieving their sustainability goals. These services play a crucial role in helping businesses navigate the complex landscape of sustainability and achieve their carbon reduction targets. 

One of these services include carbon accounting, which involves quantifying and evaluating an organisation's greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon accounting encompasses various methodologies for calculating and reporting emissions, aimed at individuals, corporations, and governments. 

This methodology helps identify the primary sources of emissions within a company's operations, supply chain, and product lifecycle. Carbon accounting also streamlines the process of generating reports that meet mandatory and voluntary disclosure requirements, ensuring transparency and accountability to stakeholders. In the practice of carbon accounting, companies follow the globally-accepted GHGP (Greenhouse Gas Protocol), which defines a structured process for businesses to identify, calculate, and document their GHG emissions from various sources.

GHG emission inventories are categorised into three Scopes: Scope 1 (direct emission), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating, and cooling), and Scope 3 (other indirect emissions from the value chain like employee commuting and investments). After the data is collected and organised, it’s then processed to evaluate their greenhouse gas emissions, determine emission reduction targets and reveal emission abatement potential. 

Carbon Management Software 

Carbon management software empowers corporations to track, manage and lower their greenhouse gas emissions efficiently. These digital tools streamline the collection, appraisal, and presentation of information pertaining to a company’s carbon footprint. Carbon management companies offer features such as automated data collection, real-time monitoring and comprehensive reporting. It also identifies areas for improvement and makes data-driven decisions to enhance sustainability practices.

Some software solutions leverage the capabilities of AI and machine learning to augment the data analysis process. By seamlessly blending these technologies, the software can guarantee accurate emission calculations and provide detailed insight, leading to sound decision-making. Furthermore, carbon management systems often offer features to oversee net zero targets and decarbonization initiatives. They help organisations support the development of effective strategies to reduce carbon emissions.

PlanetWise’ s Carbon Management Platform 

Carbon management platforms, like PlanetWise, mainly focus on three fundamental components to support corporations in adopting green initiatives: track emissions, create detailed reports and provide instructions on understanding environmental regulations. Carbon management platforms provide companies with insight on their emissions data, helping them pinpoint and calculate carbon release sources. 

Additionally, carbon management platforms continuously update their systems to comply with the latest green laws and reporting standards. This ensures that companies can report their emissions data accurately in accordance with the evolving regulatory landscape.

Success Stories in Carbon Management: Case Studies from Singapore Innovations

In the face of growing global concern against climate change, businesses are urgently shifting their focus towards sustainable practices. Carbon management strategies are becoming a more critical aspect in business practices, with eco-friendly laws and regulations enforced to encourage corporations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Likewise, Singapore-rooted organisations are emulating the initiative, recognising the significance of carbon management and securing a superior competitive edge in the global market. In 2018, the Singaporean government established itself as the first Southeast Asian country to introduce a carbon tax. This move is designed to discourage the production and consumption of carbon-intensive products and services. 

It does not only hold companies accountable for their emissions but also foster innovation and investment in green technologies and solutions. Singapore’s implementation of this carbon tax incentivises decarbonisation efforts, combat climate change and showcases its approach toward a greener economic landscape. 

PlanetWise, a Singaporean carbon management company, is playing a vital role in enabling the transition to a sustainable, carbon-neutral economy. The platform provides Saas solutions to track and measure emissions, generate accurate reports and help companies to boldly face the sustainability journey.  The platform also aims to innovate environmentally-conscious approaches by offering collaborative decarbonisation where users can engage suppliers, manage their Saas carbon footprints and promote visibility throughout the supply chain. 

Furthermore, PlanetWise provides expert-led courses through their sustainability courses. These courses aim to enhance understanding of vital concepts and mastery of ESG reporting frameworks, while instilling confidence in navigating compliance requirements.

Scope 3 Emissions Mastery: Supply Chain Engagement and Decarbonization Techniques

Scope 3 emissions are indirect and arise from activities such as supply chain operations, use of products, and investments. These emissions account for approximately 92% of a company's total GHG emissions, making them a significant area of focus for decarbonization efforts. Thus, companies must calculate, adjust and scale back on these operational activities to minimise carbon footprints. 

Supply chain engagement is vital for reducing Scope 3 emissions. Companies need to collaborate with their suppliers to set emission reduction targets, track performance, and drive sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. 

Supply Chain Engagement

Effective supply chain engagement empower businesses in a few ways:

Increased Accountability and Transparency

Collaborating with suppliers provides real-time insight of the supply chain’s carbon footprints and establishes standardised data collection techniques, assuring precision and reliability. 

This approach can help companies to streamline processes, improve communication and unlock opportunities for reducing waste, optimising processes, and driving innovation throughout the value chain. 

Cost Reduction 

Many climate actions aimed at reducing emissions can also lead to cost reductions and open up new business opportunities for both companies and suppliers. 

Companies and their suppliers can work together to identify areas for material substitution, energy efficiency improvements, or circular economy principles. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, for example, can help suppliers lock in lower energy prices and align financial considerations with sustainable practices.

Brand Perception And Collective Sustainable Impact 

Supplier engagement in decarbonization efforts also enables companies and suppliers to build trust, strengthen business relationships and drive change together. Companies would be able to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and uplift their branding values, appealing to eco-minded investors and consumers. 

How To Deploy Decarbonisation Techniques? 

Companies can collaborate with suppliers to leverage these decarbonisation techniques to lower greenhouse gas emissions and accomplish emission reduction targets: 

Transition To Renewable Energy 

Greenhouse gases are produced from the combustion of fossil fuels. Thus, organisations can reduce reliance on carbon-intensive sources by switching to green energy sources like electricity, solar, wind and geothermal. 

Improve Energy Efficiency 

Overall energy demand and emissions can be decreased with enhanced energy efficiency in buildings, transportations and industries. According to Energy Star, a US-based sustainability program backed by the government, industrial carbon emissions can be reduced by up to 34% through optimised energy usage. 

Improving infrastructure and implementing energy-saving solutions, such as switching to LED lighting or optimising HVAC systems, are essential steps in reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability.

Improve Supply Chain Sustainability

Rethinking business-wide working practices to reduce waste and improve efficiencies, conducting life cycle assessments, and implementing sustainable procurement practices can help decarbonize the supply chain. 

For this approach, companies should improve their Supply Relationship Management (SRM) and thoroughly evaluate adherence to regulations and standards. By employing a combination of these techniques tailored to their specific operations, organisations can make significant progress in reducing their carbon emissions and contributing to global decarbonization efforts.

Excellence in Sustainability Reporting: Best Practices for Showcasing Environmental Achievements

Excellence in sustainability reporting involves implementing best practices to effectively communicate environmental achievements. These practices include:

Comprehensive Reporting Framework

A clear ESG framework outlining what will be reported and how it will be measured should be established by a cross-functional team with distinct roles and responsibilities, supported by the right digital infrastructure. Companies should identify the audience and stakeholders to tailor the reporting to their needs and expectations. 

Robust Governance Framework

Implementing a well-defined governance framework is crucial for integrating sustainability considerations into the core business strategy. This framework should be designed to effectively track progress, measure the impact of sustainability initiatives, and drive continuous improvement in sustainability reporting practices.

By establishing a robust governance structure, companies can ensure that sustainability remains a top priority and that reporting practices evolve to meet the changing needs of stakeholders and the business landscape.

Stakeholder Governance 

Companies should actively seek input from a wide range of stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, vendors, and communities, to identify and prioritise key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

This ongoing dialogue helps ensure that sustainability reporting addresses the most material and relevant topics for stakeholders. By actively listening to and incorporating stakeholder feedback, companies can enhance the relevance and impact of their sustainability reporting practices.

Data And Analytics 

Companies should focus on collecting and assessing data from various sources to ensure a comprehensive and accurate picture of their sustainability performance.

This involves applying different frameworks and standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), to guide data collection and reporting. By aligning with these recognized frameworks, companies can enhance the comparability and reliability of their ESG data.

The Evolving Landscape of Carbon Management: The Emergence of SaaS Solutions for Footprint Reduction

The future of carbon management solutions is increasingly intertwined with the rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings for carbon footprint management. As organisations face growing pressure to reduce their environmental impact and meet sustainability goals, the demand for effective and scalable carbon management tools is on the rise.

SaaS solutions offer a promising avenue for companies to streamline and enhance their carbon footprint management processes. These cloud-based platforms provide centralised data management, powerful analytics, and automated reporting capabilities, enabling organisations to accurately measure, monitor, and mitigate their carbon emissions.


PlanetWise, a SaaS-based carbon management platform, offers a comprehensive and scalable solution for carbon footprint management. The company leverages the power of cloud computing and advanced analytics to assess carbon emissions accurately and promote supply chain engagement, empowering organisations to streamline their carbon accounting processes and gain real-time insights into their environmental performance.

As the demand for effective carbon management solutions continues to grow, PlanetWise is well-positioned to help organisations drive progress towards a more sustainable future by providing the tools and insights needed to effectively track, reduce, and report on their carbon footprint.

If you’re ready to take control of your carbon footprint and drive sustainable success, PlanetWise offers a powerful SaaS carbon footprint platform designed to streamline your carbon management efforts. From cutting-edge software to calculate emissions to AI-powered data analytics, businesses of all sizes can decarbonise and join the drive for a greener tomorrow. 

Visit Planetwise or schedule a consultation with their team of experts and discover how PlanetWise can help you build a more sustainable future. 

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