3 min read

Understanding Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions – Get started

Published on
11 Jan 2022
Understanding Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions – Get started

Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 are categories used to classify different types of carbon emissions. They are defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which is a widely recognized accounting standard for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. 

Overview of each scope:

  1. Scope 1 Emissions: Scope 1 emissions refer to direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by an organization. These emissions are produced from activities such as burning fossil fuels on-site, using company-owned vehicles, or emitting gases as a byproduct of industrial processes. Examples include emissions from combustion of natural gas for heating, gasoline or diesel consumption in company vehicles, and on-site emissions from manufacturing or production processes.
  2. Scope 2 Emissions: Scope 2 emissions encompass indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, or steam consumed by the organization. These emissions occur outside the organization's direct control but are associated with the organization's activities. Scope 2 emissions are often generated by fossil fuel combustion at power plants or other facilities used to generate electricity or heat that is subsequently consumed by the organization. Organizations can track and report Scope 2 emissions by using emission factors provided by the electricity or heat suppliers.
  3. Scope 3 Emissions: Scope 3 emissions cover all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur in the value chain of the organization, both upstream and downstream. These emissions result from activities outside the organization's operational boundaries but are linked to its operations. Scope 3 emissions can include emissions from purchased goods and services, transportation and distribution, waste disposal, employee commuting, business travel, and the use and disposal of sold products. Scope 3 emissions often represent the most significant portion of an organization's total carbon footprint but can be challenging to measure and manage due to their complexity and reliance on data from external sources.

It's important for organizations to consider and account for all three scopes of emissions to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their carbon footprint. By doing so, they can identify opportunities for emissions reductions, set targets, and develop strategies to manage and mitigate their impact on climate change.

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